An overcast but warm day as we set out from Tuncurry Rockpool with 20 members and a couple to meet us at St Marks Church, Manning Point.
We arrived at 10.15am and set up for BYO morning tea on the grassy slope, joined by Janine Roberts, Historian who gave us a talk on the history of the Church, the area and we had a walk amongst the gravestones, with Janine telling about the people buried there. I noticed only 2 children's graves, so maybe being isolated was healthier. It was very hot n humid as we walked around. Then we followed Janine past some historic houses and the Old Butter Factory (directly opposite Croki). A dusty drive on gravel roads.
Then onto Waterbird where our tables were set up for 22 on the verandah with a great view of the Manning River. The café is licensed and many members enjoyed a wine or beer with their seafood lunch. The food was enjoyed by all the members.