Home / In the Shed: Projects & Restorations / 1931 Ford Model A Roadster Pickup 10

This is the story of Alice, who in a former life was Hector. Is this the first trans gender Model A ?. Alice was bought in 1975 by my partner’s late husband, Bill Connery, and from that time until 2017 when I purchased it, the car had sat in various garages and sheds, but never had a spanner on it. Betty was intending to sell the car, and with the help of John Amato, we dragged it out from its resting place, in preparation for taking pictures to advertise it. So I took many photos, and then said to Betty how much did she want for it. During the weeks that it had taken to get to this point I had a growing interest in the vehicle, and thought it would be nice if who ever bought it, kept it in its current configuration. The best and only way to ensure that happened was to own it myself. So when Betty gave me a price to advertise it for, and an amount she would accept, my reply was, ok I will will buy it. At first she thought it was a joke, but soon realised I was serious. The deal was done. Alice is no ordinary Model A. She is a 1931 Roadster Pickup, and around 1966, at Giltraps Museum and Workshop at Kirra on the Gold Coast, there was fitted an FJ Holden front suspension, differential and springs, as well as a Grey Motor and 3 speed crash gearbox. I stripped the car to the bare chassis and have restored the mechanicals, engine, gearbox and diff. The only changes I made, are slightly wider rims to use more modern tyres, and twin carbs on the engine. I entrusted the body work and paint to Scott Bannerman at Nabiac, and he has done a great job. There are only a few fiddly jobs to do, and Alice will be ready to roll. We look forward to joining fellow club members in the Model A, as well as the Tbird.